Sunday 5 December 2010


When I returned to the Old Vic a group of South Africans were propping up the bar, already quite “pssd” as they say, flattening the vowel into obscurity.

It was a great night, listening to these guys chat, they included me almost straight away and a young guy called Dwayne was eager to talk about my photography business. South Africans are nearly always entrepreneurs, always seeking to learn new skills to find more work, Dwayne was no different, being trained in mining he was now a self employed graphic designer.

He was also typical in another male south African way I that he was very confident and had no problem listing his qualities and experience to any who would listen, this activity however is not as obnoxious as it sounds, South African men have a two spoonfuls of charm for every spoon of arrogance and I found his stories and company quite entertaining. Ruth sat at the end of the bar an overweight 40 something Jo’berger. She sank Smirnoff ice at a staggering pace and gave her loud and frank opinion on everything, again she had a openness and easy manner that turned what could have been a difficult character trait into an attractive attribute. I ordered a pizza and had a few slow beers with this crowd, I did not catch everyone’s name and there were a few Africana’s who had very little English.

I went off to bed felling like I had enjoyed an eventful day.

I woke early this morning for my swim and got another text from Wouter saying it would again be tomorrow before he could collect me, I am beginning to feel like I am being given the run around now and if it happens again I think I will head to Swaziland and look for another story.

I decided that I might visit Bettie’s again but after moving into the considerably cheaper dorm room I was accosted by Ruth who is living here full time.

We had a very long chat on the balcony and I found her frankness, uncharacteristic of south Africans, useful and she was able to answer many questions about South African culture where the Africana’s fit in and she explained how she was part of the ‘English South Africans’ a term that seemed to encompass all white south Africans who are not Africana’s. She spoke of Africana’s xenophobic attitude to all apart from themselves, I remarked on how polite and helpful I have found them to be on the very few occasions I had spoken with any, she agreed saying they were very well mannered folk but ultimately emotionally closed having such a strict Christian upbringing that they can become “wild” in later life.
I won’t transcribe all that was said but I got an earful about what was wrong with Africans and a detailed list of social atrocities committed by the blacks. It is always the same when I come here, being on the ground and listening always shows how clouded and confused the problems are here and finding your own standpoint and opinion becomes difficult to determine.

I did manage to escape to the pool for a while and I am beginning to feel the stress of the last few weeks ebb away (It always takes a few days) and I felt quite happy to achieve nothing today.

I returned to the shared social area I am now a part of, being a ‘dormer’, to enjoy the stuff I had bought from the local supermarket this morning. I met Ruth again who was by now very p’ssed sitting with her alcoholic friend ‘Hendry’, I have made some polite conversation and have now slipped away to find a quite corner to write this… I am trying to think of a polite excuse to reverse my offer to join them for a Braii (BBQ) later this evening. – get me out of here!!!

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